Catching Up & Cleaning Up

It has been a long winter but a busy one, and I’m happy things have gone well so far. Previous winters have been tough financially, and the effort of “finding work” is usually more stressful than the work itself. I like being busy, solving problems and saving the day for my customers. For me it’s what makes the world go round.

The big steel building project in December/January put me behind on other projects, and I’m happy to say I’m finally catching up. We had quite a backlog for a while, and I put in some long days to make it all happen. The project I’m finishing today (rebuilding a bucket truck toolbox that was crushed) amounts to the last pending item, so now we can go off into the future.

With all of this high-priority work through the winter, I’ve been pretty much living in the truck, only moving tools and supplies in and out of it as needed, and not really doing a good job of cleaning up after myself. The shop looks the same way….just do what it takes and go to the next project. With all the snow we’ve had there’s less room than usual, and more to do, so it’s a recipe for things to pile up for sure. I’m really looking forward to Spring, when I can clean things up, make a scrap metal run, and make things look nice again.

With all of the bigger projects that have been happening (steel buildings, strip mall buildouts, etc.), I keep running into needs for manlifts and forklifts, so last night I was on an online auction site and bought a used scissor lift. I’ll be picking it up next week, and hopefully it won’t take much work to get it going. I also bought a welder for the shop so I won’t have to hook up the portable machine every time I want to do something. This is all part of the steady growth of Amerivet Services. I’m always looking toward being more capable of doing this or that.

It won’t be long til the weather warms up and all the “outside” things will start happening. Start thinking about what you’ll be doing now, and take a look at your boats, construction equipment, landscape equipment, and so on. There might be something we can help you with that will make it easier for you to slide right into Spring!