Happy New Year!

Well it’s already 2014 and I see it’s been a month since I had a chance to update this blog. December was a very full month! I started off with a quick trip to Colorado, then came back just in time to start work on the pre-engineered steel building in Warren. While wind, rain, and snow kicked our butts on the building, we’ve made modest progress and are pretty close to being able to call it finished. I’m hoping to get it close enough for a punch list within a week, which means I’ll be able to pay closer attention to other customers who’ve all been very patient.

The whole concept of setting other work aside to accommodate a big project bothers me. I realized I’m only one man and can only be spread so thin, but I’m very conscious that most of my customers can’t wait very long to have their needs met. I’ve hired six people to help me with this big project, but the clock is still ticking on others and the phone rings every day with someone else needing my help. We’ve done a reasonably good job of helping people through situations, and quite a few customers have been understanding of our situation and grateful that we’ve returned their calls. It’ll be nice to have a chance to catch up all around and get things back to normal.

The odd side of this whole situation is that in the past I’ve had to plow snow in order to keep the wheels of business turning through the winter. At this point I imagine winter will be over before I catch up, and I’ve let all of my snow contracts go. Realistically, snow has been a double edged sword in the past. It has kept the bills paid but hasn’t contributed to the progress of our metal working capabilities in the least. While I really enjoy plowing snow, I’m happy to see the need go away because that means I can spend the winter focusing on things I enjoy even more.

Meanwhile, this is a good time to thank pretty much EVERYONE for a fantastic 2013! Amerivet Services has made a name for itself, and it is because our customers and vendors believe in us. I hope to make 2014 even better, and start laying the groundwork for a support crew so we can move faster from job to job and provide better service for all. The new employees we have (for the building project) are mostly temporary, though I’d like to find a way to steal one or two of them from their current full-time employers, because they’re good/talented people. Reality says we still have some growing to do before that can happen in a big way, but it’s a good goal to have.

As far as New Year’s Resolutions, I honestly can say I don’t have any. The same old goals of “solving customer’s problems” are there, and we’ll continue to do that. Every aspect of growing Amerivet Services is focused on solving problems: We’ll continue to acquire better equipment, better processes, better knowledge, more manpower as necessary, and pay attention when our customers tell us what they need. We aim to be smart, experienced, intelligent, ambitious, and flexible. I think we have those traits every day, and we need to do even more of it.

Tammy and I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season, and wish you the very best in 2014. Thanks again for your ongoing support!