New Year and New Directions

As we move past 2023 and move toward celebrating our 15th year, I look back and realize what an amazing year it’s been! We’ve had a lot of highs, a few lows, and have finally settled into a new routine that will bring success in 2024. Our field crew is all new, except for one. They’re great guys who have their heads screwed on straight, and the company’s best interest in mind.

Why is this important for me to say? Quite honestly, COVID brought out the worst in a lot of people, and we’ve had a huge challenge finding the right people to perform the kind of work we do, and actually care about the results as they move about their days.

Yes, these guys have things to learn, but we all do. The day I quit learning will be the day before you put me in a casket. It’s important for me to teach people the things that are in my head, and pass along the lifetime of experience that comes with it.

Last year I started making that happen by conducting a welding class on Monday nights. We were very busy during the Fall, and I had to shut down the class because there just wasn’t enough of me to go around. Now that we’re into a New Year, it’s time for me to get back to teaching the welding class. We have a very limited number of seats and our employees come first, but if you’re interested in attending please let me know.

Meanwhile, we’ve expanded our rollup door installation and service offering, and have a statewide contract that any state agency or municipality can take part in. We service and install all kinds of rollup doors, bi-fold hangar doors, and pretty much any large door. Give Charlene a call if you need our help!

Of course we still do steel construction, metal building repairs, custom fabrication, heavy equipment repairs, etc. We weld almost any metal with almost any process. We’ve introduced spray welding and TIG brazing to our offering. Those of you with cast iron and wear surfaces will really appreciate what spray welding can do for you!

Semi-last but not least, we still offer thermal spray zinc coating. It’s almost as good as hot dip galvanizing, but can be performed in the field or in our shop. The cost is a bit more and is pretty messy, but the process is intended for items that aren’t necessarily portable, like bridges or platforms.

OK….the last thing, I promise! We now have an oxy-lance that can cut metals 6 ft thick or more. We’ve used it to remove metal from underneath a steel furnace that had melted down, so we’ve proven it can cut 6 ft thick steel in a big hurry. It’s a unique and intimidating tool to use, but it can make quick work of heavy metal in a demolition setting.

Now that you know our new offerings, you can expect to see our web site change a bit this year to reflect those offerings.

We’re wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Let’s all go have a fantastic 2024!

For our parting shot, check out this challenging repair on a ski lift tower:

mobile welding, steel repair, welding