“The Team”

As we close out quite a few projects as well as 2018 (obviously my calendar is broken, somebody please shake it 2 months back!), along with plenty of new projects on the horizon, the one thing that stands out from all of the challenges, efforts, and successes, is what has emerged to be the new Amerivet Services team.  I just can’t say enough about these people.  They’re absolutely an honor to work with.

Getting here hasn’t been easy, as my good friend Tony can attest.  In addition to my own search for people capable of meeting Amerivet Services’ needs, Tony made his own gallant effort.  It’s very true that not just anyone can walk in the door and become an Amerivet Services employee.  They need to bring something special to the table.  They need to bring a sense of teamwork, a desire to make a contribution, and they need to bring a brain that’s always turned on.  They need to bring exceptional skills that most people wouldn’t dream of having.  And they need to bring their dreams.

It’s safe to say that with all of the effort Tony and I have put in, Amerivet Services now has a great team who can, have, and WILL, set the standard for those teammates that will follow. In the past, the team amounted to three people:  “Me, myself, and I.”  Two years ago, as you’ll see documented in this blog, I made a decision to build the business beyond me, and make it consist of a team of people that encompass my beliefs, work ethic, and skill set.  I’m happy to report that we’re well on our way and kicking butt at every opportunity!

In the last 18 months, we’ve been a part of incredible projects, from “high rise” buildings to elite restaurants and autonomous car test facilities.  We’re pushing the cutting edge of everything we can find, and dragging the dull ragged edge of experience with us!  It wouldn’t surprise me if we didn’t take on an underwater project next year, because we have that experience base and most of the assets.  Meanwhile, we’re moving forward into the construction world, stepping the service and repair world up a couple of notches, and bringing the industrial fabrication world along with us.  Of course, we always take on service and repair projects, because they always bring on new challenges.

We’re getting great feedback from all of our customers, and they just seem to want more of the same:  Great service, great value, and smiling faces with all lights turned on!

This is an exciting time at Amerivet Services and we are turning a few corners.  We still do what we used to do, and a whole lot more!


For our parting shot, check out the stainless floor plate we installed at a local chemical plant.  We’re working toward stainless flooring on every mezzanine in two plants, one challenging weekend at a time.  To be complete in 2019:

Stainless Steel Flooring