Memorial Day Thoughts

Welcome to Memorial Day weekend!  Looking back I can’t believe I haven’t made a blog entry since February.  Time flies when you’re having fun!

Most of you know I’ve spent most of my life serving this wonderful and beautiful country.  Many of you don’t know that quite a few of my friends have met their end early along the way.  Memorial Day isn’t about me or my service.  It’s about them.  The people that aren’t here to take a three day weekend, have a few beers, and celebrate the first big weekend of summer.  They don’t get vacations.  The only thing they get is a moment of silence and a solemn parade.  They gave their lives for that little bit, and would do it again.  How do I know?  Well, I knew them quite well, and I was one of them.  We all made the same commitment, every minute of every day.  It just happened that I was the guy that came home on the outside of the pine box instead of the inside.

So, while some might think this is a weekend to thank me for my service, I would encourage you to find a pretty white tombstone in the veterans’ section of a cemetery, and thank that person first.  Just put the party aside for a moment, and thank them for paying the ultimate price so we can all have a long weekend in the sun.  They deserve more thanks than we can ever give.

All the best to you this Memorial Day weekend.  Be careful, be safe, and don’t forget to take a moment Monday at 3 PM.

Memorial Day Plasma Cut